701 S. Sullivan Street, Santa Ana, CA 92704 - Mail to: P.O. Box 3277, Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 543-4746 - (714) 543-3077 (Fax)
701 S. Sullivan Street, Santa Ana, CA 92704 - Mail to: P.O. Box 3277, Santa Ana, CA 92703
(714) 543-4746 - (714) 543-3077 (Fax)

Men of Spirit

  • The Men’s Ministry is a service of our church that reaches men for Jesus Christ. The ministry teaches men how to develop a strong relationship with Christ, the church and others. The Men’s Ministry focuses on issues that affect men and on how the Word of God is used to resolve unto victory. 
  • This ministry creates Mighty Men of Valor, great fathers and true believers in Jesus Christ.
  • Psalm 37:23 – The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.